Are you ready to unlock the power of online education and change lives with your expertise? The online course world is booming, with a market value expected to hit $65.17 billion by 2027. Students are spending about $78.30 each on courses. If you’re an educator, entrepreneur, or just someone who loves to share knowledge, now is the perfect time to start creating and selling online courses.

This guide will show you the best places to make and sell your courses online. We’ll cover top platforms, tools, and solutions for virtual classrooms. You’ll learn about the latest trends and success stories in digital education.

Key Takeaways

  • Explore the booming online course market and its projected growth
  • Understand the differences between course marketplaces and course creation software
  • Discover the essential features of top-rated online course platforms
  • Learn how to create engaging, interactive course content and deliver it effectively
  • Leverage community-building and monetization strategies to grow your online course business

The Booming Online Course Market

The online course market is booming, with a projected value of $65.17 billion by 2027. This growth is thanks to the rise of remote learning and more people wanting flexible education. The revenue per student is expected to be $78.30, showing a big opportunity for those creating courses.

Projected Growth and Revenue Statistics

The Global Online Course Platform Market report shows big growth ahead. Here are some key stats:

  • The global online course platform market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.85% from 2022 to 2027.
  • Major players in the online course platform market include Thinkific, LearnWorlds, Podia Labs, Click 4 Course, Digital Chalk, Pathwright, Social Triggers, and Kajabi.
  • The market offers a wide range of courses, from Arts and Humanities to Business, Computer Science, and Language Learning.
  • Driving growth are the popularity of e-learning platforms, innovative technologies like AI and micro-learning, and the demand for flexible education.

The rise in online education is opening up many opportunities for those wanting to create courses. As the online learning world changes, the chance for success in the online course market is looking very promising.

What is Online Course Creation Software?

Online course creation software helps you make, share, and teach courses online. It has two main parts: elearning authoring tools and a learning management system (LMS).

Elearning Authoring Tools

Elearning authoring tools let creators make and organize their courses. They have features like adding multimedia, making quizzes, and breaking up content. This makes online learning fun and engaging.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

The learning management system is where your course lives. It helps with enrolling students, tracking their progress, and keeping an eye on how they’re doing. This makes teaching online easier.

Elearning tools and the LMS work together. They help creators make, share, and manage their courses well.

Platform Key Features Pricing
Thinkific Course creation, website builder, marketing tools $39/month (premium)
Teachable Course creation, student management, payment processing $29/month (premium)
Kajabi All-in-one platform, website builder, marketing automation $149/month
LearnWorlds Interactive video, white-label options, advanced features $29/month (basic)

These online course creation platforms have different features and prices. When picking an online course software, think about how easy it is to use, how well it helps with making content, managing students, and marketing.

Key Features of Online Course Software

Choosing the right online course software is key. Look for a platform that helps you create, deliver, and manage your courses well. It should let you organize your content in a way that’s engaging and easy to follow. You should be able to build engagement around your course, manage your course business, and protect your content with a paywall. Lastly, it should let you customize your course to meet your specific needs.

Some important features to think about in online course software include:

  • Content-building tools – These let you create courses with multimedia and interactive quizzes.
  • Video and webinar hosting – They make it easy to add videos and host webinars for better learning.
  • Course delivery and management – These features help you track student progress and issue certificates.
  • Community and engagement – Tools like forums and gamification help students work together.
  • Customization and branding – You can make the course look like your brand with your colors and design.

With these strong features, you can make online courses that are engaging, informative, and profitable. They can stand out in the growing online course market.

Feature Description
Content-building Tools Robust course authoring capabilities, multimedia integration, and interactive elements like quizzes and assessments.
Video and Webinar Hosting Seamless video integration for lectures, demonstrations, and live sessions to enhance the learning experience.
Course Delivery and Management Features like student progress tracking, certification issuance, and mobile-friendly access.
Community and Engagement Social learning tools, discussion forums, and gamification to foster collaboration and interaction.
Customization and Branding The ability to personalize the course platform with your unique branding, colors, and design elements.

Content Creation and Delivery Tools

Good online course software should have many tools for making and sharing content. These tools help you make learning fun and full of different media. You get to use easy text and image editors, host videos smoothly, and make quizzes and exams. You can share content in many ways, like videos, live sessions, and interactive tasks.

With these tools, you can make the most out of online course content creation, multimedia course materials, and interactive learning experiences. Making courses that look good, teach well, and grab students’ attention is now easier than ever.

Feature Benefit
Text and Image Editing Easily create and format engaging written content, accompanied by visually striking images and graphics.
Video Hosting and Integration Seamlessly integrate pre-recorded video lessons, live streaming sessions, and interactive video elements into your courses.
Assessment Tools Develop comprehensive quizzes, exams, and other assessments to evaluate student understanding and progress.
Multimodal Content Delivery Offer your students a diverse range of content formats, including text, images, videos, and interactive activities, to cater to various learning styles.

Using these strong tools, you can make your online courses better, keep your students interested, and create interactive learning experiences.

online course platforms, resources

The online course industry is booming, offering many platforms and resources to help you. From popular online course platforms to specialized elearning tools, there are plenty of choices.

Top online course platforms include Teachable, Thinkific, Podia, Kajabi, Thrive Apprentice, LearnWorlds, and LearnDash. These platforms offer tools like content management systems, checkout software, and email services. Thinkific, for example, has a G2 Score of 4.7/5 and starts at $149 per month.

Marketplace platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare also offer a wide audience. Coursera has a G2 Score of 4.5/5 and courses start at $9.99. Udemy has over 185,000 video lessons, and Skillshare offers more than 35,000 courses.

For specialized learning, platforms like edX and Khan Academy are great. Treehouse focuses on programming, and MasterClass features famous instructors.

When picking an online course platform, think about audience growth, pricing, ease of use, and your course’s needs. Each platform has its own strengths. Choosing the right one is key to success in the online course world.

Community and Engagement Features

In the online course world, building a strong learning community is key for students to do well and be happy. Top online course tools have many features to help students, teachers, and the whole learning space connect deeply.

Human Connection Tools

Good online courses have tools that help people connect and talk to each other. These include:

  • Chat and messaging for quick chats and Q&A
  • Online forums for sharing ideas and working together
  • Virtual events and webinars for live learning and meeting others
  • Mobile apps for easy joining in from anywhere

Using these course interaction features and virtual classroom tools, online courses can build a strong online course community. This keeps students active, motivated, and connected as they learn.

Studies show that 88% of video marketers think video is key to their strategy. Just like video, having an active student engagement through community features can greatly improve the online learning experience. It also helps students achieve their goals.

Course Business and Monetization

As an online course creator, your business model and how you make money are key. The best online course software should help you with the money and admin parts. This lets you focus on making great learning experiences for your students.

When thinking about online course business models, you have many choices. You can sell courses one by one, offer bundles, or have a membership that gives access to all your courses. Payment processing tools make buying easy and safe. Member management features help you keep track of your students’ progress and how they’re doing.

Monetization Strategy Advantages Disadvantages
Individual Course Sales Flexible pricing, control over your content Limited revenue potential, more time-consuming to manage
Course Bundles and Subscriptions Recurring revenue, increased customer lifetime value May require more complex pricing and packaging
Membership Model Steady, predictable income, access to a community Requires ongoing content and community management

By using the course monetization strategies and features of your online course platform, you can build a lasting and profitable online course business. This meets your students’ needs and brings in steady money.

Branding and Customization Options

Creating a professional online course means you need to brand and customize your platform well. Look for online course platforms that let you brand and customize a lot. They should have things like in-course branding, custom URLs, and the ability to use your own brand on web, iOS, and Android. These features help make a smooth, branded experience for your students.

White-label platforms let you remove the platform’s name and use your own domain. You can also change things like logos, colors, fonts, and layout to match your brand.

These platforms have cool features like gamification and support for different media to make learning fun. They also have places for students to talk and work together, like discussion boards and forums.

Platform Pricing Customization Features
  • Free plan with $0
  • Launch plan at $39 plus 10% from each sale
  • Grow plan at $99 without commissions
  • Custom plan available
  • Custom domain and login branding
  • Company branding (logos, brand color, style)
  • Course and community dashboard
  • Course and community pages
  • Onboarding experience
  • Starter plan for $29($24)/month + $5 per course
  • Pro Trainer costs $99($79)/mo
  • Learning Center available for $299($249)/mo
  • Custom pricing for High Volume and Corporate plans
  • Custom domain and login branding
  • Company branding (logos, brand color, style)
  • Course and community dashboard
  • Course and community pages
  • Onboarding experience

White-label online course platforms let you make your own, unique courses. This way, you can give your students a special learning experience. By using these features, you can make your online course stand out, improve the experience for your students, and be noticed in the crowded market.

Benefits of Online Course Software

Choosing the right online course software can change how you teach and grow your course business. It brings together tools for community, engagement, and making money. This has helped many course creators change their teaching and see big business growth.

Success Stories and Real Results

Using the right online course platform opens up endless possibilities. Look at these amazing success stories:

  • One course creator sold over 5,000 course seats in just 10 days, thanks to the platform’s marketing and sales features.
  • Another entrepreneur generated an additional $100,000 in revenue in just 2 months by optimizing their course offerings and pricing.
  • A thriving online community of 3,000 members was built in just 10 days, fostering deep connections and long-term student engagement.

The right online course software lets you offer top-notch learning experiences. It helps you build a successful course business. With tools that boost student happiness, grow your business, and more, this tech is a game-changer.

Benefit Impact
Student Engagement and Satisfaction Increased retention rates by up to 60%, with students feeling more connected and motivated to learn.
Course Business Growth Generated an additional $100,000 in revenue in just 2 months through optimized pricing and offerings.
Collaborative Learning Environment Built a thriving online community of 3,000 members in just 10 days, fostering deep connections and engagement.

By using online course software, you can change your teaching, grow your course business, and offer learning experiences that help students succeed.

Choosing the Right Online Course Software

The online course market is growing fast. Choosing the right software to make and share your courses is key. There are important features to look at to find the best fit for you.

First, find a platform that lets you customize your courses. Being able to change the branding and design makes your courses look professional. Also, tools like multimedia, interactive tests, and mobile-friendly design make learning better for students.

Features that help build a community are vital too. Look for platforms with easy-to-use forums, virtual classrooms, and tools for connecting with students. These can make students more engaged, keep them coming back, and make them happier with their learning.

Think about how you’ll make money and the costs too. Choose platforms that make taking payments easy, have flexible prices, and help you manage your money well. Stay away from platforms with high fees, as they can cut into your profits.

Platform Pricing Key Features
Teachable Plans start at $29/month Customizable branding, multimedia content, student community, integrated payment processing
Thinkific Plans start at $49/month Drag-and-drop course builder, mobile-responsive design, advanced quizzes and assessments, built-in marketing tools
Kajabi Plans start at $149/month Comprehensive all-in-one solution, email marketing integration, sales funnels, advanced analytics

By looking at these key factors, you can pick the best software for making, sharing, and making money from your online courses. This will help your course business grow and succeed.


The online course market is growing fast. This means educators, experts, and entrepreneurs have a great chance to make and share learning experiences that change lives. With online course creation software and elearning platforms, you can start a successful course-based business and reach people all over the world.

Success comes from picking the best online course software. It should have the tools and features you need to make, share, and sell your courses. These platforms should also help you build a community with your students. This way, they can reach their goals.

If you want to share what you know or help your business grow, online course creation and teaching and learning are exciting fields. By using these elearning platforms, you can find new ways to grow, work together, and give people educational experiences that change their lives.


What is the projected growth and revenue potential of the online course market?

The online course market is growing fast, expected to hit .17 billion by 2027. Each student could spend about .30, making it a great chance for course creators.

What is online course software and what are its main components?

Online course software helps with teaching and technical tasks. It has two main parts: tools for making course content and a system to host the course. These tools help create and organize course materials, while the system manages the course online.

What are the key features of effective online course software?

Great online course software lets you organize content well and engage students. It also helps manage your course business and lets you protect content with a paywall. You can customize your course to meet your needs. It includes tools for making content, videos, quizzes, tracking student progress, and building a community.

What are some of the top online course platforms and resources available?

Top choices include Teachable, Thinkific, Podia, Kajabi, Thrive Apprentice, LearnWorlds, and LearnDash. These platforms offer tools for managing content, checking out, sending emails, and more to make creating and delivering courses easier.

What community and engagement features should online course software provide?

Good online course software should have tools for chatting, forums, events, and apps for easy access. These help students connect and make learning fun.

What business and monetization features should online course software offer?

The best software should help with business and money matters. It should let you take payments, set prices, and track student progress. This way, you can focus on teaching without getting bogged down in business tasks.

What customization and branding capabilities should online course software have?

Choose a platform that lets you brand your course well. Look for features like in-course branding, custom URLs, and pages that match your brand. Being able to deploy your course on web, iOS, and Android makes it easy for students to access.

What are the key factors to consider when choosing the right online course software?

When picking online course software, think about customization, building a community, making money, pricing, and platform availability. The best software lets you grow your course, connect with students, and manage your business smoothly.

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